dimanche 27 février 2022

Léo Ferré, le best of | Archive INA

616 k abonnés
Abonnez-vous http://bit.ly/inachansons Il y a 25 ans, Léo Ferré nous quittait. Hommage sur Ina Chansons qui a compilé pour vous ses plus belles interprétations avec "Avec le temps" https://youtu.be/v_nbdcPB0iw "La vie d'artiste" https://youtu.be/4a18dpASqCg "Paname" https://youtu.be/Hpc3SJBuSd0 "C'est extra" https://youtu.be/bVrulTsu2S8 "Rotterdam" https://youtu.be/8LXUVTMdNO0 "Les Étrangers" https://youtu.be/Ll2njBBOttc Images d'archive INA Institut National de l'Audiovisuel http://www.ina.fr

Leo Ferre - Belgium 1972

541 abonnés
sourced from tv-archive master tape to order high quality DVD contact me: johnwet22@gmail.com

Watch Pete Seeger Perform at John Jay College -1996

On March 6, 1996, Seeger visited John Jay as a guest in a Thematic (now Interdisciplinary) Studies course on “The Individual in Conflict.” Co-taught by professors Michael Blitz, Donald Goodman, Geoffrey Fairweather and Gerald Markowitz, the freshman-level course devoted several sessions to “Civil Rights, Race and Racism” – a perfect fit for Seeger, the author or popularizer of such songs as “Turn, Turn, Turn,” “Where Have All the Flowers Gone,” “We Shall Overcome” and “If I Had a Hammer,” among many others.

French Latino - Guarda la Esperanza Live

 French Latino

19 mars 2021 
French Latino - Guarda la Esperanza Live
Muchas Felicidades a todos los que sois padres, ¡hoy es vuestro día! Disfrutad la música con vuestras personas más queridas.🥰 
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French Latino - Historia de un amor

French Latino - Historia de un amor
🇧🇷Mais de 36 milhões de reproduções de "Historia de un Amor" colocam-na como uma das nossas canções mais apreciadas pelos nossos seguidores. O que achas? Esta é sua música favorita do French Latino?

🇪🇸Más de 36 millones de reproducciones de "Historia de un Amor" la situan como uno de nuestros temas con más aprciados por nuestros seguidores ¿Qué opinas tú? ¿Es esta tu canción preferida de French Latino?

🇫🇷Plus de 36 millions de reproductions de "Historia de un Amor" font d'elle l'une de nos chansons les plus appréciées par nos fans. Est-ce aussi votre chanson de French Latino préférée?

🇬🇧More than 36 million reproductions of "Historia de un Amor" place it as one of our most appreciated songs by our followers. What do you think? Is this your favorite French Latino song?